Monday, April 6, 2009

The update...

Here is my update:
Oh I wanted to tell everyone that you can write me at they mail it and everything :) I am not sure how but you just pay the postage on there so it is just like sending an email! Then I get it in the mail... pretty cool!
The News:
I have decided to type this up from now on to avoid hand cramping sorry I know it is not very personal :( but I still love you all. This will also make it easier for my sister to post it on my BLOG!! Yeah! Anyway here is the news....
For the rest of preparation day we got our haircut and went to Red Robin for lunch this ended up being a problem because we had a dinner appointment with the Gusten Family shortly afterward and I was so full it was crazy.... then we went to FHE with a member family and that is right they had a huge dessert for us too. I felt so sick and was ready to throw up! Then we stopped by the Bishops as we were leaving he said “Oh no we forgot to give you ice cream!!!” I was like THANK GOODNESS you forgot!!” We all laughed as I explained how full I was. So no more eating out on Mondays! It is a bad idea!!
We had another new missionary meeting. These are pretty good but kind of boring we just sit all day and have training and the sitting all day part is what I don’t like. It was nice to see the Elders I knew in the MTC though. Hmmm what else we taught a less active... that was good and then Tuesday was over :(
We had district meeting also not very fun... sorry is that bad it was April Fools Day!! Which is funny because the Zone Leaders told us that the Mission President decided we could not attend any of the conference sessions so we could tract and find more people. We really fell for it and everyone was really upset. Then they said April Fools!! It was so great... Oh yeah Happy Birthday Aunt Donna!!! Lets see then we had a few appointments and then I went to Federal Way to spend the night (my companion is the training Sister so once a week we exchange and this is kind of cool because now I will know all the other sisters)
So anyway I went with Sister Uria she is from Mongolia; pretty cool! She was really nice, a little hard to understand but considering she has only been speaking English for 6 months that is pretty good. We did a Zone Blitz in the morning so two hours of tracting. YEAH!! It was fun and this scary black guy yelled/swore at us pretty intense but I liked it. I feel like the real deal now!! It was more successful than Maple Valley, so that was good. We talked to one lady for a while and she agreed to have the Sisters come back; very good. She had a lot of tough questions ie: You believe Satan is Jesus’ brother... how do you explain that on the door step??? But it was cool and I need to study more!!! Then we exchanged back and taught some more lessons!!
We did some normal missionary stuff, teaching, etc., and then we had a potluck with the ward this is a monthly thing that gives the members and opportunity to invite people to meet us. Two of our investigators came which was cool!! It went well and I hope we can have more come next time!
We had the most beautiful sunny weather all day today; I love it!!! Conference!!! So good my Uncle Wes was right it is the best to watch as a missionary!! We had to watch at the church so it wasn’t very comfortable or popular. Besides missionaries there were only about 6 members from the whole Stake there!! I loved all of the talks and we had an investigator come which was awesome!!! In between sessions we went to visit some people and we got a new investigator! I am so excited to teach her this week!! After the afternoon session we went to teach one of our investigators his sister was there and we were able to teach her too. It was so cool we taught the 2nd lesson the Plan of Salvation although impromptu it went really well!! Yeah this was the first time I have taught a formal lesson from Preach My Gospel. Up to this point we mostly just teach to needs!!
It was sunny again and even warmer :) We watched conference, oh man I loved it so much!!! I saw so many talks that helped with people we were teaching and I can not wait until it comes out in the ensign. I could not write my notes fast enough to catch all I wanted to. I love Elder Holland he is my favorite speaker and it was such an amazing experience!! We had awesome lessons today as well.
Guess what it is sunny again today and we are going hiking :) it is so lucky that there is good weather on prep day!! Yeah I love being here and I hope you are all doing well. Thanks for your prayers and support they are felt!!!Love, ME


suezq said...

HI Sister Graf, this is Sister Wilson in the Mission Office. Cute blog! I Have one for our Mission too.
It's called Life's a Journey on blogspot.
Welcome to the Washington Seattle Mission! We're glad you're here!!