Thursday, April 30, 2009

Latest from Lindsay

Here is the update:> >
What a crazy week. Well first of all I am sorry I did not send any letters last week. Prep day was crazy because we went to the temple and then the rest of the week I would try to write during break and at night but it was very unsuccessful... anyway so all of the sudden it was Sunday and now I will just have to send you the news for two weeks at once! So let me see what happened this last week:> >
Tuesday:> We went to the temple it was amazing I just love going to the temple and wish I could go more often. It is hard because even though we have one mission rules are such that we can only go once a quarter. It reminded me of a few talks during conference basically if you have one near by go. Not only are you doing work for others but there is so much peace there. I had such a neat experience the spirit was so strong and in the celestial room I was able to pray for each of our investigators and I was given such direct answers as to how we could help them and to prepare myself for teaching them as individuals. I also prayed to see how to improve the work. What an amazing experience. The day was beautiful and sunny and we took lots of pictures on the grounds it was wonderful.
Wednesday:> Today was good we are busy trying to find new investigators and working with the few we have. We met with Sarah she is so wonderful and has such enthusiasm for the gospel. Her mom is also wonderful and I am so glad she is coming back to church. We met with Lee his wife is very active and he has been to church a lot. We spoke with him and had an awesome lesson following the Spirit as directed in the temple :) This was amazing, he is such a great guy and he committed to Baptism May 9th. We are so happy it was amazing you could just see it in his eyes that he was feeling the spirit. I love being a missionary there is nothing in the world like the feeling you get from seeing people change there lives and find that happiness. Thursday:> We had District Meeting it was fun we made goals. Sister Bush and I made a goal of 4 baptisms for May so pray for us. We have to on date and we want to find a family really bad so your prayers will help a lot. We also did this fun exercise where we did the first lesson popcorn style so at any second someone else would take over teaching. It was fun and hard to do but I think that is the point. We met with a member Brother Neubold he gave us about 4 referrals which is amazing. There is this family Brady and John how we met them is cool. We were trying to find Brother Neubold’s house last week and they answered the door they are renting the place! It was amazing they were so nice invited us in and were very open they have seen the example of the Neubold family and invited us to come back :) this was awesome. Our family we have been praying for. They have two little kids and one on the way. Both Sister Bush and I felt something we really feel they will be open to the message. Friday: > We made the most delicious coconut cupcakes on break today. I am really impressed I don’t really bake but these are insanely good we have been passing them out and people love them I should open a bakery :) just kidding but they are good. Anyway everything is great with our other investigators to help Lee quit chewing we covered his front door with inspiring post it notes!! And gum! He is great and I know he can do it we are praying so hard and just hope that he is too!
Saturday:> This was a busy day we had a lot of things going on with the ward they asked us to help out with which was fun it is good to become closer with them. We found out that Brandy and John our awesome family they are still great but Brandy is having complications with the baby and we can’t meet again until after May 22 when the baby is born that is like ten years for missionaries :( we are sad but still hopeful. We will be praying and asking members to get involved to keep up the relationship. Just another loop on that roller coaster of a mission. We went to visit some elderly widows in the ward our Bishop asked us to visit. It was so amazing they are so sweet and wonderful to talk to and learn from their life experience. Also they lit up when we were there and I know they appreciated the visit.
Sunday:> Great Day!!! Church was awesome I really need that time to be spiritually fed you give so much out during the week it is amazing to be able to recharge. Sarah and her mom were late to church I almost had a heart attack again it is so hard on me you invest so much in them. Anyway Lee was not at church we talked to his wife and it was heartbreaking he has started chewing again and she expressed how hard it is for her to even get her hopes up she said she doesn’t believe anymore we are really praying and trying to figure out how to help Lee have more faith... any ideas??? Sunday our ward mission leader was released we are so sad we loved Brother White so much and he was awesome. Oh well that is how it goes I guess. Our new one will be great. Justin was baptized the service was so beautiful and you could just see the change in his countenance. The spirit was so strong and I was so happy to be a part of it. In D&C 18:50 it talks about bringing one soul and how much joy it brings. That is so true!!! What a great day. I can’t describe how happy it makes me inspite of all the difficulty getting there.
Monday:> Today was great went for a long run around the lake and it was beautiful and felt great. Write more next week....


Brenda E said...

He needs a testimony of the Book of Mormon. It is the key to conversion. He needs to read and pray about it. He's has to be the one that wants to know the truth. Not for his wife or anyone else. "Prayer takes sin away and sin takes prayer away." That is a quote that used to be in our old seminary and Sunday school room.